1) "Harima multi-media school" entry ceremony


1. The intention : As the opening event of "Harima multi-media school", we had the entry ceremony of the school in which we have explained the concept of the school in order to understand about the promotion of the becoming information-oriented and with learning in the case of the becoming information-oriented.

2. The time : August 1st, 1997 (Friday) 13:30-17:00

3. The place : The Center for Advanced Science & Technology HYOGO, Large Hall

1479-6 Kanadechi Kamigouri-cho Ako-gun Hyogo Prefecture.

4. The participation expenses : Free

5. The number of the participants : 75

6. The contents :

(1) The establishment greeting

The Hyogo Prefecture governor ; Head Councilman, Mr. Kenichi Aoto

From the city opening in today, we will start " Harima multi-media school" with cooperation of the prefecture government and the related associations in order to growing up the Harima Science Garden City and the west Harima area.

The prefecture government would like to proceed the becoming information-oriented in the west Harima area with the establishment of the network between Commerce, Government, Schools and Public.

(2)General explanation of the Harima multi-media school.

Hyogo Prefecture governor ; Councilman (the information communication taking charge), Mr.Koichi Matsumoto

He has explained the concept of Harima multi-media school, various kind of Seminars and overall events such as "Harima local history by kids`".

(3) The class by the conversation method

Mr. Yasuo Konishi ( Kobe university professor / the Hyogo New-media Promotion Conference, Area information specialty section ; Chairman ) was working as the coordinator and the representative of different field such as administration, a commerce and industry association, education, company had gave lectures about the facing to the advanced becoming information-oriented.

We have deepened understanding about the point of view, the way of carrying forward of the becoming information-oriented of the area.

1) "Making of town by the multi-media"

The Sonobe-cho (Kyoto) international planning section; assistant manager, Mr. Akinori Yamashita

Sonobe-cho has been developed as the main of the administration, the finance, the culture in the Tanba area.

In recent years, Sonobe-cho is going to be "International Education City" with attracting a high educational institution, being internationalized and becoming information-oriented in recent years.

As the first step, the public cable TV "Sonobe Information Center " was opened in October, 1992 and it was sending informations being very based on the area. After that, Technology revolution was growing rapidly such as the spreading Internet and the cable network had been noticed as the base of the multi-media network.

Today, Sonobe-cho is making "Multi-media Culture Museum" as a multi-purpose information center which has a library and a museum functions.

And we have been proceeding the remote education for the elementary schools and the junior high schools with utilizing cable TY. For the next, we would like to make Local Intra-net with the connection of the home and school, public office, public hall, medical treatment and welfare organization by advanced cable-TV. And also we would like to take part in the remote education experiment of BBCC to establish "Multi-media Town".

For its purpose, the environment in which multimedia will be utilized for "anyone" "always" "everywhere" should be prepared by the hardware and the software both.

Also, we should carry forward the utilization of the multimedia for the new business such as the New Koetsu Village and for the field of the area welfare such as the home-stay nursing support.

2) " Local business start and the becoming information-oriented"

Fukuzaki-cho Chamber of Commerce and Industry ; Managing Director , Mr. Kazuo Saga

Fukuzaki-cho is developing the"Mochi-mugi noodle" which is used local special product "Mochi wheat". There is many cases that the new product which is developed by the utilization of the new technique may not be the merchandise in the market.

And it is important to keep customer constantly with the effective advertisement for the new product.

It is going to utilize Internet for the advertisement of the goods and sale .

There is merits in Internet such as no cost for the branches but there is demerits too.

"Mochi-mugi noodle" is sending information by the Internet but the number of access will not increase without changing goods every 2 weeks. And it is better do not use photograph which needs long time to display.

We are doing the customer management with computer to keep the repeaters.

The customers` preference such as what kind of noodle they like and what kid of color they like is different area by area. We are using the database of this kind of information with colored map of the areas and we are using it for sales promoting.

T he other hand, there is a risk accompanies the dealings which utilized a network and it is important t o check whether or not it is the customer who can trust sufficiently .

F or th e future , local business should not rely on the "local special products" and it is needed to have a person with the more creative sense and with a power to do his best even called "Fool".

3) "Utilization of the Internet for the school education"

The Hyogo Prefectural Education Training Institute; Supervisor, Mr. Ryoichi Uetani

The purpose of the information education is not the teaching a computer.

It is important to utilize information communication to develop the personality and the creativity of the children.

The item of the information education is put in the learning guideline and the utilization of the information equipment is included in a university entrance examination and teacher employment examination, too.

Now, it is needed to change the system of the school education.

The introduction of the Internet is being carried forward to the school but first it is important that the children utilize an Internet freely from the daily life to the school life such as expressing and telling their activity.

For example, if the home page of the school excursion will be made, it is possible to communicate each other over the grades.

And, Sending and opening the school informations aggressively should proceed communications of the schools beyond the wall. Also the communication with the local community should be proceed too.

There is a movement to make the library to be a civic center of the area but it is important to expand the network from the school to the local and prefectural public.

For this purpose, it is important that the information literacy of the prefectural people not only children and teachers should be increase.

4) "The virtual space application to the communication education"

The Media Fusion ltd.; Representative Director, Mr. Jun Sakakibara

It is going on that the children with long-range medical treatment are free to the communication of the virtual space which is "Virtual Kid Park" experimental trial cooperating with the prefectural Nojigiku Nursing Center.

This is a virtual space with 3-Dimension computer graphics by the VRML technology on Internet and the children will choose a doll as their alter ego and they can play and make conversation with meeting strangers. (Reference; http://www.MediaFusion.co.jp )

The children with the long-range medical treatment at the hospital and in the home, the handicapped person, and antediluvian are leaning in the communication with the person because of the limited living environment. Especially, the growth of the heart causes a problem about the child in the growing period. So we would like prepare the delightful space in which children can meet freely and can gather round over the various kind of walls by utilizing information communication.

The experiment is selected as a part of the system development for the advanced business trial produced by the Hanshin-Awaji Business Revival Promotion Association and it will be continued. And it will be proceeding to widely not only the Nojigiku Nursing Center but also others too .

5) " The way of the remote education which utilized a B-ISDN"

The New Generation Communication Network Experiment Conference ; Project Promotion Chief Director , Mr. Yosuke Kawamura

The New Generation Communication Network Experiment Conference (BBCC) is doing various kind of experiments with the utilizing the Wide Band ISDN (B=ISDN) which is the basis of the high-speed and large-volume in formation communication .

As a one of the project, the remote education project is going on in order to realize the lifetime learning environment which has an attendance sense with clear picture exchange .

Now, I`m speaking from the Osaka Industry University to Center for Advance through B-ISDN experimental network with transmitting pictures and voice by both way, but I think that participant s doesn't notice a sense of incongruity .

The experiment network is connected to BBCC, Center for Advance , Umeda-city and Osaka Industry University and we had the Remote English Conversation, the Remote Seminar and the Remote Igo Class. There is a plan to connect to Sonobe-cho, in the future .

We would like to realize the new community center a s the base of the lifetime learning environment in which there is no limitation such as the time and the space by the utilizing advanced information communication basis.


(4) The practice (16:00-17:00)

By the member of Harima Internet Research Association , the training of the home page making was held

The place : The Center for Advanced Science and Technology ; The multimedia experience corner

(Technical information room)